Charbel Hourani presenting his research.

EARLab staff and students present five papers at international conference

Last week, members of the University of Derby Electro-Acoustics Research Lab (EARLab) traveled to Bristol for the 39th annual Institute of Acoustics Reproduced Sound conference. The conference represents the cutting edge of modern audio and acoustics and allows consultants, manufacturers, contractors, end users, academics, and students to mingle and share insights and information. There were […]

AES company logo.

Derby academic leads work on new AES Technical Document

University of Derby Associate Professor of Electroacoustics, Adam Hill, has recently completed work on a new AES Technical Document: AESTD1007.1.20-05 Understanding and Managing Sound Exposure and Noise Pollution at Outdoor Events ( Adam led the working group as Chair of the AES Technical Committee on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement. This report is intended to present […]

Royal Albert Hall logo.

Derby graduate leads project for Royal Albert Hall’s new sound system

German loudspeaker manufacturer, d&b audiotechnik has recently designed the new sound system for the Royal Albert Hall, which is now considered to be the world’s largest single-room loudspeaker system. View of the new sound system recently installed in the Royal Albert Hall in London The project was led by one of our very first BSc […]

students supporting a live event.

IoA Reproduced Sound set to visit Derby this week

The Institute of Acoustics conference on Reproduced Sound will be visiting the Entertainment Engineering subject group here at Derby this Tuesday evening to get a taste of the various research projects our staff and students have on the go. Projects being demonstrated  span topic areas including: live sound reinforcement, ambisonics, speech intelligibility, and wave field […]

Derby uni logo.

Royal visit to Derby

Wednesday, 27 September was the official opening of Derby’s new STEM Centre. Within the new building our department has gained new labs covering electronics, communication technology and computing, and – most importantly – a hemi-anechoic chamber. UoD’s new hemi-anechoic chamber ready for the grand opening To officially open the building, HRH The Earl of Wessex […]

labs space, UoD.

IoA Reproduced Sound set to visit Derby

This year’s Reproduced Sound conference (organized by the Electro-Acoustics Group of the Institute of Acoustics) has chosen to visit the Entertainment Engineering group here at the University of Derby on 21 November. The evening will include live/interactive demonstrations of the research our academics and PhD students are involved with, including: interactive demonstrations of ambisonics, 3D audio […]

AES Up logo.

Further recognition for MSc student

Current MSc Audio Engineering student and BSc (Hons) Sound, Light and Live Event Technology graduate, Ross Hammond, has continued to impress the audio community with his ongoing research into speech intelligibility. Ross recently took part in the research competition at this year’s AES Up Your Output competition, held in Southampton, and was awarded 2nd place for […]