students supporting a live event.

IoA Reproduced Sound set to visit Derby this week

The Institute of Acoustics conference on Reproduced Sound will be visiting the Entertainment Engineering subject group here at Derby this Tuesday evening to get a taste of the various research projects our staff and students have on the go. Projects being demonstrated  span topic areas including: live sound reinforcement, ambisonics, speech intelligibility, and wave field […]

Derby uni logo.

Royal visit to Derby

Wednesday, 27 September was the official opening of Derby’s new STEM Centre. Within the new building our department has gained new labs covering electronics, communication technology and computing, and – most importantly – a hemi-anechoic chamber. UoD’s new hemi-anechoic chamber ready for the grand opening To officially open the building, HRH The Earl of Wessex […]

sounds in space logo.

Sounds in Space 2017 – watch live!

The Creative Technologies Research Cluster is holding the 8th Annual Sounds in Space Research Symposium tomorrow (Tuesday, 27 June 2017). The full event programme can be found here: Sounds in Space looks at the technical and artistic details of 3D audio with a 34 speaker array driven by software developed here at the University of Derby (WigWare Ambisonic Audio […]