Sophie Meredith, a 2012 graduate from our BSC (Hons) Sound, Light and Live Event Technology programme, is now the Head of Automation at the Broadway Asia/Broadway International Group. She chose Derby for its unique engineering-focused program, offering a BSc that went beyond equipment operation to develop a deeper understanding of how equipment works and why. Sophie started leaning towards lighting but expanded her skills during her studies, eventually incorporating automation. She emphasizes the invaluable knowledge of venue and auditoria design gained during her course and encourages Derby students to embrace opportunities to engage with external businesses who come in to give talks. Her career has taken her across the UK and Asia, with unforgettable moments like touring with the first Broadway show to visit India.
Sophie Meredith, Class of 2012
Current location:
Wherever I’m touring in Asia.
Current job + employer:
Head of Automation – Broadway Asia/Broadway International Group
What did you do/study prior to coming to Derby?
BTEC National Diploma in Music Technology
Why did you choose to go to the University of Derby?
Out of all the courses I found, this was one of the only actual engineering courses, teaching students not just how to use equipment but how to fix it and design it. I wanted a BSc rather than a BA that you get with standard theatre courses.
Did you start the course with a specific focus or were you undecided?
I have always leaned towards lighting but was still pretty undecided.
Did that focus change on the course? If so, how?
It didn’t really change but I increased my knowledge of other areas and am confident being multi-skilled.
Has that focus changed on graduating? If so, how?
I still lean towards lighting but now have also added automation to my skills.
What was the most useful thing you learned on the course?
The science behind the technology.
What did you learn on the course that you thought you’d never use, but that has come in handy during your career?
Venue and auditoria design. Knowing about all the different engineering of a venue has helped me troubleshoot when things have broken down.
What did you do on the course that you never thought you would enjoy?
Truss climbing.
What was your favourite establishment in Derby (pub, bar, club, restaurant, etc.)?
The Waggon and Horses which is sadly no longer there.
What is your most memorable moment from Derby?
Production managing a gig at The Devonshire Dome and seeing all the work from the departments (lighting, sound) coming together and making it work.
What/who at Derby most influenced your life, and how/why?
I think the course as a whole influenced my life, as I now work in the industry I trained for.
What would you say to a Derby first year student, knowing what you know now?
Put the work in but don’t stress it. Enjoy it and take up all the opportunities, especially from external businesses, who might come in to present.
What have you done professionally since graduating?
I have worked in a number of theatres and also toured the UK and Asia with various productions.
What is your most memorable moment from your career so far?
Being paid to be in Asia, being a part of the first Broadway show to tour in India, and opening a brand new theatre whilst there.
What are your future career plans/ambitions?
To continue working in this industry and seeing all the opportunities that are open to me.