We had a visit last week from local loudspeaker company, 3 Square Audio. They were interested in having a series of measurements taken of their latest loudspeaker design.
PhD students Alex Vilkaitis and Jon Moore, along with lecturer, Mark Dring, took the lead with the tests in our hemi-anechoic chamber. The group took measurements including:
- Magnitude response
- Phase response
- Polar response
- Cumulative spectral decay
- Impedance
- Voltage sensitivity
- Impulse + step response
Jon, Alex, Mark and Stuart, from 3 Square Audio, (l-r) inspecting the data
As 3 Square Audio’s loudspeakers are tuned entirely by ear, this gave the company some clear objective data to show them what the loudspeakers were doing. Interestingly, the results showed that the loudspeaker was behaving very closely to what they expected!
3 Square Audio’s loudspeaker all set for a polar response measurement